The day finally arrived and we picked up Daniel's prosthetic from the Limb Fitting Centre!
We think Daniel understands the significance because a huge grin comes across his face when he stands up on both feet.

He is having to adapt his crawling style to cope with the prosthetic which is causing a bit of frustration. But the exciting thing was that Daniel stood for over 5 seconds without holding onto anything...while eating yoghurt coated raisins. This happened within an hour of usin

g the prosthetic.
Taking it on and off is a bit more convoluted than slipping into some thongs (if you are Australian) or flip flops (if you are British) but I am sure we
will get pretty quick at it and it will become routine.
Because kids grow so quickly, we are due back at the Limb Fitting Centre in a month to start the fitting process again!
We don't think it will be long until he starts walking...and running. Then the fun will start!
Posted By Kristen Rigby (Daniel's Mum)