Shane and I submitted an application to the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK for Dr Dror Paley from the USA to perform the procedure. Dr Paley is the world leader in limb reconstruction has performed over 150 of these surgeries. The NHS agreed that the best outcome is for Daniel to have the surgery in the US and has agreed to fund it.
The surgery will take place at St Mary's Hospital in West Palm Beach in Florida, USA. Daniel will be in hospital for 3 days and we will be able to fly home to the UK about 2 weeks after the surgery.
Daniel will be in an external fixator for about 3 months followed by a plaster cast and physical therapy.
We have mixed emotions at the moment. On one hand we are ecstatic that Daniel's hip will be operated on by the world's best but on the other hand we have all the fears expected when your little boy has to undergo significant surgery. But, we have Christmas coming up and we are going to make sure Daniel and his little brother Max have a fantastic Christmas.
We will keep you up to date on Daniel's surgery and recovery next month.
In the meantime, we thank you for your support in 2009 and wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.