Daniel had a follow up x-ray on Friday. My plan was to write a blog entry about how well Daniel is going and include the comments from Dr Paley about how good the x-ray looked. But yesterday, that all changed with an email from Dr Paley telling us that Daniel will need another procedure because part of the femur has not healed.
Yesterday was a tough day thinking about Daniel having to go through it all again. Keeping busy organising everything in the UK and USA helped keep our minds distracted.
We have a surgery date booked for 3 May, so Max's first birthday will be in Florida. I am hoping that this is not an indication of Max's childhood, fitting his important milestones around h

Although the news is not great, I want to stick to my plan to tell you all how great Daniel is going. He has his new prosthetic (he chose the zebra pattern himself) and is walking really well now. He is such a happy boy and rarely talks about pain anymore. He is even coping pretty well with pin site cleaning - distracted by iPhone games and the promise of a piece of chocolate afterwards. I just wish we didn't have to put him through another surgery so soon when he will still have memories of the last one.
The good news is that Shane can still participate in the London Marathon. Remember you can help motivate him by donating at www.justgiving.com/shanerigby. You don't have to be a UK resident to donate (hint hint, family and friends in Australia!).
Here is a video of Daniel walking (1) without his prosthetic and (2) with his prosthetic.
Posted by Kristen (Daniel's Mum)