Thanks to all those who have responded to Daniel's blog either in the comments section or by a personal email. It's been an amazing response and really touching. To family and friends, thanks for your messages of support, they really help. To those with PFFD and their families who have responded a huge thank you! It's amazing the community that's out there.
The prosthetic technician asked us to get shoes for the appointment on Wednesday, so
we had our first shoe shopping trip on the weekend. Daniel just does not like to have his legs or arms held, so holding him still long enough to try shoes on was almost impossible. He wants so much to be independent that being held really upsets him. Kristen, the shop assistant, Seamus (who came to help) and I took 45 minutes to get the first shoe on!
The prosthetic technician asked us to get shoes for the appointment on Wednesday, so
How on earth are we going to hold him still long enough to take a plaster cast tomorrow?
Posted by Shane Rigby (Daniel's Dad)
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