Our friends tell us when they are visiting their newest grandchild to enjoy some "baby worship". Oh, if only it could be so easy for us to do that too. Queensland is a long and tiring journey from London (not to mention the expense) so our "baby worship" is done via photos from Daniel's Blog and Picasa Albums and the occasional Skype.
When Daniel was born we were in Perth with other Grey-haired Wandering Gypsies on a Round Oz trip. (Was the really just twelve months ago?). When Shane phoned I can still remember very clearly exactly where we were driving, so Jim had to find a place to park the car. We cried with joy at the new birth, our grandchild number 8, and with sadness that Daniel had an impediment to overcome. But the sadness was even more so for Shane and Kristen knowing that they would have to make some hard decisions on Daniel's behalf, before he was old enough to make those decisions for himself.
We were blessed with a visit from our newest family at Christmas/New Year when we could engage in face to face "baby worship". That was a lovely time of seeing Daniel with his parents who are so relaxed in their loving of him, and of cuddling that little warm body in person.
Some might think that after several grandchildren another one would be just "ho hum". There has always been excitement and apprehension for each grandchild for each one is so precious to us, Number 8 no less than Number 1 or all the others in between.
Go Daniel, Go!!
Posted By Jim and Esma (Daniel's Nan and Grandpop)