We flew from Western Australia to London a few days before the expected arrival of our first grandchild. Like the expectant parents, we couldn’t wait to meet him. We were awake in our rented bedsit when the call came from our son-in-law Shane. Baby Daniel had finally arrived into the world but there was a problem with his right leg. Of course our happiness was tinged with sadness and anxiety for Daniel and his parents. It was the first we knew of what was to become a familiar term to us – Proximal Femoral Focal Deficiency or PFFD.
During the next two weeks in London we did all we could to help. We shopped and cooked, we talked and listened, we loved and cuddled Daniel, we researched on the net and sometimes we just let them have space and time together to get used to the usual ups and downs of new parenthood.

Finally the day came for us to return to Australia. It was one of the hardest things we have ever had to do – leaving that little family of three so far away. In many ways it can be harder to be a grandparent of a child with a disability. Of course you feel pain for your grandchild but you seem to hurt even more for your own adult son or daughter. However, Kristen and S

hane are best friends as well as a couple and we knew they would always be there to support each other in dealing with Daniel’s special needs.
It is almost a year since our little Daniel was born. Although so far away we are lucky to have seen him often in Australia and London and of course via the skype camera. He is a delightful child, a beautiful, happy, bright and friendly boy who endears himself to everyone he meets. He already has all the attributes he will need to cope with what lies ahead. We are immensely proud of his parents for the way they are dealing with Daniel’s PFFD and we have no doubt that whatever path they decide to take in Daniel’s treatment, he will have a wonderful future that is full of love and encouragement.
Posted By Terry & Lindy (Daniel’s Gran and Grandpa)
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