Daniel is 15 months now and has started at nursery two afternoons a week. His favourite activity is messy play, especially painting.
He is also enjoying swimming lessons with his Dad every Sunday morning. He loves splashing and blowing bubbles and he doesn't get upset when Shane dives him under the water.
Daniel is getting more steady on his feet and can walk along with us holding only one of his hands. He enjoys walking so we don't think it will be long until he is doing it himself. No rush though - we can still catch him at the moment!
Daniel's first prosthetic was adjusted a couple of months ago to make it a little taller but he is due to have a new one made in January when we return from our holiday in Australia. Shane (Daniel's Dad) has become a bit of a novice prosthetic technician and has made some adjustments to it so it will last through to January.
We haven't made any definite decisions regarding Daniel's treatment plan. At this stage, we are still in the information gathering stage. We have a few years to make our decision.
Finally, thank you to our friends, family and those in the PFFD community who have supported us in 2008. Shane, Kristen and Daniel wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
PS - One more bit of exciting news, Daniel is going to be a big brother in May 2009!
Posted by Kristen (Daniel's Mum)
1. Daniel playing his new set of drums (Thanks Auntie Fi!)
2. Daniel entertaining his Gran on the harmonica
3. Daniel displaying how well his walking is going!
Loved the update. Daniel sure is growing up fast! I imagine 'messy play' is keeping you guys on your toes...although I see the walls in the hall haven't been painted by Daniel just yet...or maybe you have just cleaned up very well! A big congrats to you both on the impending arrival of baby number 2 in May - really fantastic news. Alison and I send our love and hope you both have a wonderful and happy Christmas & New Year. Talk soon - Brad
Merry Christmas to you too...
He certainly is gorgeous. Congratulations on your new addition. Have a great holiday in Australia.
Much love
Kate and family
We are really looking forward to seeing the three of you at Christmas in Breamlee. I laughed when I read that Daniel's first word was "duck" as Adam's was "truck" which he pronounced with a "fr" which was a worry!
Great news that daniel is gooing to have a smaller person around that he can push around (in a cardboard box!)
Love Auntie Jenny
Kristen & Shane,
I love the updates of Daniel's progress and congrats on your pregnancy. The video footage provides such great insight into Daniel's progress and into your positive out look on life. I love the photos of Daniel especially him at play... painting and music are always the favourite experiences of the 15month olds in the playgroup I run.
Safe trip out to Aus, if you are on the east coast give us a buzz.
Go Daniel :)
Love Pen and Sav
Our daughter is 5 1/2 months old and has pffd affecting her right leg as well. Seeing the video of daniel is so wonderful. It gives us hope to see that he is happy and doing well with his prosthetic! My husband started a blog about our Emily as well.. check it out if you have time: timtredwell.blogspot.com
Kate Tredwell and family
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