The report will be sent to Daniel's doctor, Dr Paley, in the US enabling Dr Paley to get a better understanding of Daniel's condition before the surgery is performed in October.
We had to be at the hospital at 7am and Daniel was nil by mouth since midnight. We were worried how he would cope without his four weetbix in the morning but the excitement of going in a car to the hospital (a novelty for central Londoners without a car) overtook his hunger.
When we arrived at the children's ward at Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Daniel had some routine checks done (e.g. temperature, oxygen levels) which took a lot of convincing and distraction methods.
We were seen by the anaesthetist who explained the procedure and gave Daniel a pre-med which would help him relax and not remember having the general anaesthetic. We then walked to the scanning centre and Shane took Daniel in to have to the general anaesthetic while I waited in the waiting room with Max.
Shane said that a mask with a balloon attached was placed over Daniel's mouth and he was asked to blow up the balloon. He was not too keen on that until Daddy had a go and then he wanted a turn. It took about half a minute of breathing in the gas for Daniel to go asleep.
We all nervously waited in the waiting room. Shane found it more difficult because he had had to hand a limp Daniel over to a large room of people but the last I saw of Daniel was finding everything funny as a result of his pre-med. Max, of course, slept through the whole event.

After about 45 minutes, Daniel was awake and Shane went in to see him. He was having a full blown tantrum! This did not stop until we got back to the ward and he was given some toast and juice. He ate four pieces of toast and drank three cups of juice!

We had to stay around for four hours to make sure their were no complications with the general anaesthetic. Daniel got a car transporter as a present for being a brave boy and played with that for the entire time so he was not bothered. Shane, Max and Dorothy caught up on some sleep after an early start!
Here is one of the many images obtained during the MRI just so you know what it looks like.

We have included a video below to show Daniel walking without his prosthetic. He doesn't let his condition bother him at all, he just gets on with it! In fact, lately he has not wanted to always wear it because he can walk so well without it.
Posted By Kristen (Daniel's Mum)
Thanks for the updates on Daniel, He is growing so quickly. All the best for October xx Dagmar
Gosh, Daniel moves quickly and he has quite a good gait. I always look forward to these updates on your adventures and Daniel's journey. Kristen, you are very clever at turning medical procedures into engaging stories.
Lots of love to you all
Kristen and Shane,
You are both such amazing, wonderful parents to be so positive and clever with Daniel and at the same time so brave within... I know that I even get tense if Isabella has to have her vaccinations, so it's no easy task to have a general, but you did really well!
He seems such a happy and loving little boy and it's a great credit to his wonderful parents!
I wish you all the best for the October operation!
Love Kristina
Thank you for your comment on Carter's blog. We had fun looking at Daniel's blog- what a cute boy. We especially enjoyed watching him walk without his lift. He gets around so well! We remember the days when Carter prefered to be with out shoes. When Carter was two he hated his lift shoe so much that he would throw it in the garbage!
We are so happy that your son is being treated by Dr. Paley from the start. Carter has been through so many procedures and had many painful complications, we so wish that we had taken him to Dr. Paley when he was a baby.
We wish your family- and your cute Daniel- the best! Good luck with the hip surgery.
Carter and his Mom
Had to rush to Daniel's site after nephew Tim and Kate had Emily in FL for her first MRI and second visit with Paley. Daniel is doing so well and the video is super! Caught my breath when I realized Daniel's first major procedure is coming up in a couple of months! Thinking of all of you and sending prayers. Aunt Suz
Just saw this now. The video is impressive and typical of Danny: unflappable and happy. No wonder Coco is crasy about him :-)
Hi Kristen, Shane, Daniel and Max,
Such a good update - I am in awe of you all and very impressed with how well Daniel is doing from the video - looks like he loves his push bike!
Good luck for the operation, I am sure it will go well given the support Daniel has from his wonderful parents.
Al, Brad and Zach xo
The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.
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