National Health Service (NHS)
I feel that I have not said enough about the UK's National Health Service (NHS). For those overseas, the NHS is the public health system in the UK.
Shane and I are so thankful to the NHS (Westminster PCT) for funding Daniel's surgery, a significant cost. We are so grateful that the NHS was willing to look globally and recognised that the best outcome for Daniel's hip was outside the UK.

Shane and I are so thankful to the NHS (Westminster PCT) for funding Daniel's surgery, a significant cost. We are so grateful that the NHS was willing to look globally and recognised that the best outcome for Daniel's hip was outside the UK.
The process for applying for the funding went very smoothly. The NHS's Patient Advice Liaison Service (PALS) advised us about the process and who to submit our application to. Shane and I, with the support of Daniel's orthopedic consultant, Mr Peter Calder at Royal National Orthopedic Hospital, submitted an application to the NHS (Westminster PCT) which was reviewed by a panel which considers exceptional cases. The panel approved the funding. It was elevated to another committee due the magnitude of cost which also agreed that Daniel's best option was to have surgery with Dr Paley in the USA. Once approved, the NHS liaised directly with the hospital which meant that we could just concentrate on Daniel.
Thank you NHS!
Dr Paley - Daniel's Surgeon in the USA
Here is a news clip that was shown on FOX news in the USA this week about Dr Paley helping a little girl, Eva, with the same condition as Daniel. It gives a really balanced report about the lengthening process and the next stage for Daniel.
Posted By Kristen (Daniel's Mum)
That is a really great video and really helps me understand what Daniel is going through. Thanks for posting it.
Hi Kristen,
It's great to hear that you got the funding you required from our NHS. I wonder though whether other UK residents would have it quite so easy with their areas PCT, you said the application for funding went very smoothly and it was approved first time. It is fantastic for Daniel that Westminster PCT saw Dr Paley in the US as the best option for him. These procedures should be done by the best specialists in the field, and i know from the internet he is seen as probably the top guy concerning PFFD.
I just wonder with our much talked about NHS "Postcode Lottery" where you live has a lot to do with what you get? If certain PCT's have a very stretched budget, as many do, i wonder if they would have to regretably say no.
I'm happy to hear Daniel's surgery went well.
My son shane was also born with PFFD in August 2007 he isn't as bad as daniels case but I still understand everything your going through I am so glad you are able to see dr paley we are wanting to see him to but we found a good dr near us in SC USA that is working with us and his insurance wishing you all lots of luck and my prayers are with you
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