We left Singapore at the end of September, packing up everything into storage and moving to West Palm Beach for the duration of Daniel's lengthening. It was very difficult leaving, the kids love their life in Singapore. Daniel was loving his school and had a great group of friends at our condo. He was very settled and very happy. I remember reading at some point how lengthening robs children of their childhood and I really felt anxious about this leading up to Daniel's surgery. During the previous surgeries, Daniel's life was centered around his family but at age 6 he is really independent and has his own little life. But, we have thought about this a lot, and still feel that it is the right thing to do and it is something that Daniel wants.
Goodbye and see you soon to our Singapore friends! |
My parents met us in Palm Beach to help us settle in. They were incredible help and I don't think we could have done it without them. From settling Max into a new school, to learning to drive again after 10 years (on the other side of the road too!) and Daniel's big surgery, there was a lot of anxiety so have my parents there was a huge help. Thanks Mum and Dad!!
We enrolled Max in a preschool in the local area. After a week of separation anxiety and tears, he settled in and enjoys going to his new school. We will see what 8 months in an American school will do to his accent! I asked Max the other day whether he is English, Australian, Singaporean or American and he replied, "I am Spanish!" He is learning Spanish at his school so its not a crazy response.
Daniel is not attending school during the lengthening but we have found him some tutors which come in the afternoons. He absolutely loves it and tells me it is the best part of his day and wishes he could do tutoring every day. He would love to go to school though, he really misses it. He cried the first day Max went off the school because he wasn't able to go.
So, now on to the big event....the surgery.
Daniel had his pre-op appointments on the 7th October. That was not without drama, it took 3 attempts to get blood out of his arm. It was awful watching the nurses dig around trying to get the blood to flow. We ended up going to see the vampires (what we call the laboratory staff who visit us every morning at 5am) and they were able to get the blood to flow. He was told he couldn't take of his red blood band or they would need to draw blood again. Three weeks post surgery and he still hasn't taken it off!
The biggest drama was on the day of the operation. We arrived at the hospital at 9am on 8th October. It was a long wait and Daniel wasn't given the pre-med until 2pm so obviously by this time he was very hungry. Shane took him in to the operating theatre to be put under. As the staff were about the put him under, Dr Paley rushed in and asked to speak to Shane. Dr Paley had a family emergency and would have to postpone the surgery. Daniel was taken into recovery until the pre-med wore off. Meanwhile, one of Dr Paley's PAs came in to speak to me. The look in his face completely freaked me out, I thought how could something have already gone wrong during surgery! It felt like we were in an episode of Grey's Anatomy!
We were back on again a couple of days later. Dr Paley was on a morning flight and called when he landed to get Daniel prepped for surgery. The surgery went for about 6 hours and went really well. We were excited to hear that he wouldn't need pins in his hip (these really bothered him last time). It also meant 3 less pins to clean (he has 11 pins in total, 8 in his femur and 3 in his tibia).
When we went into recovery to see Daniel, he was sucking on a popsicle. He was in quite a bit of pain but was slipping in and out of sleep. Daniel had a epidural to help with the pain and once this started working well, his pain was well managed during his time in hospital. We had one instance where his pain went up to a ten but the anesthetist was able to give him something extra. Daniel was pretty good at telling the nurses his level of pain (from 1 to 10). The physiotherapists would get him out of bed each day and into a wheelchair but most of the time he was zoned out watching the cartoon network. We were allowed to go home after 4 nights in hospital.
In hospital, post surgery |
Out of bed, into his wheelchair |
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Ready for a walker race |
The fixator |
We had our first x-ray a week ago and it all looks good. We have already grown his leg 2 cm longer, well on our way to achieving our 8 cm goal. It will get a lot tougher though as his muscle starts tightening up. Dr Paley is going to present Daniel's case to a group of doctors as part of a training session so our next x-ray will be taken then. After that, we will have an x-ray taken every 2 weeks during the lengthening phase.
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First post op x-ray |
Trick or Treating at the Children's Hospital |
Max's Halloween costume - Wolverine |
Thanks to everyone who has sent us messages of support via email and Facebook. It means a lot to us!!
Posted by Kristen (Daniel's Mum)
Dr. Paley is such an amazing doctor! My younger brother also has PFFD and has been a patient of Dr. Paleys for 13 years. He under went his first lengthening in 2002 and was able to get 4.5 inches! He had an internal fixator placed in July of this year and will under go his second lengthening next year. I can not even begin to think of where my brother would be without him. The process is difficult for the kids, but it also difficult for the family. People can not even begin to know what you are going through. My family will keep you in our thoughts as you go through this journey!
We have followed your blog since our doctor was diagnosed in 2012. I love keeping up with it. Daniel always has a smile on his face! We are actually on our way down now for a visit with Dr.P. Maybe we will see you guys around and can meet! Thank you so much for sharing your story....it helps us and I'm sure many other families as well. Such a blessing. :)
Nikki Howes
Love these pictures and they look great in my living room woman painting on canvas
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